The fishermen coming in to look at us
So here we are in the major tourist destination in the Philippines – Boracay Island. We tuck in on the sheltered side of the island and although the wind is gusting to over 30 knots are all comfortable aboard and can easily access the shore and town. The wind generator whirrs away giving us bonus power and the rain catcher works overtime pouring fresh water into our tanks.
We enjoy a relaxed few days of people watching as they go about holidaying on white sand beaches and blue waters -kitesurfing, sailing, jetskiing, parasailng, banana boat riding, swimming, lazing, shopping and dining – you name it, they’re out doing it. The people are of mixed culture but predominantly Asian. Everything seems to happen so calmly, there’s no shouting nor nagging mothers, no grumpy tired children, no drunk unruly teenagers, just, seemingly, smiling happy friendly faces. Littering is fined, as is smoking on the beach.
Amber having a kite surfing lesson
Shopping a holiday pastime..................Daryl buying a gimmicky toy from the young boys
Playing tourist..........................................................Pass on the rock climbing
They seem to love their cameras and we watch as the bikini clad teens pose for photo after photo, giggling as they create yet another artful pose. We notice many are in family groups, often with Grandma in tow.
We are told, though, that the Philippines has it’s seedy side. There is a market for those wanting sex with children. We have seen advertising asking us to notify authorities if we are offered children for that purpose. It seems so contrasting to what we are seeing as they go about their daily lives.
Being the ‘foodies we are’ we peruse the literally hundreds of restaurant all plying for our trade. We scour the shops for bread and crackers that aren’t sweet and scan the shelves for familiar brands that might be useful. The search for a new strong bucket is on, as well as finding someone who can rewind an alternator. Amber judges the coolest part of the day for trying on clothes but finds she is struggling to fit into even the largest sizes, so I won’t even try!!
Pina colada and prawn cocktails for starters..................view from the restaurant
We are told the diving is great here but the weather is too rough and besides we are getting itchy feet to be moving on.
Wash time for the local children............................OHS would have a field day
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