This is a little story which has its beginnings way back in July 2006 in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We were three quarters of our way through our passage between Galapagos and French Marquesas. There were five of us aboard – Roger, Katie, Shylo, Daryl and I.
So, as you can imagine, by Day 12, we were beginning to look around for things to fill our time. Daryl came up with the bright idea of writing a message in a bottle and throwing it overboard. Shylo put together the message and over it went.

Shylo throwing over the bottle..............The message from the bottle
To our amazement, in November 2011 we got an email to say the bottle with message intact had been picked up on the east coast of Australia.
I’ve put a copy of his email below:
Cool Bananas,
On the 1/11/11 (funnily enough) at a secluded beach in a Burdekin nation park at Cape Upstart, tropical North QLD. I happened to be walking down the beach front after a day of working in the park, n happened upon a bottle of wine with a something in it that turned out to be none other than a message. Obviously not an everyday occurrence, I was pretty excited; scooped it up, n took it back to camp, where I delicately pulled the cork n read the message within! I have to say, such a message definitely brightened up the day!
So today is my first day home and I decided I would read up on cool bananas and wow! You guys sure look like you have a blast! And I think that dropping off a message or two along your way is a great way to share your adventures and what is possible for people to do in a life time!
Lawson Mee
So, over 4 and a half years, the bottle and message had made its way 4300 nautical miles across the Pacific to Australia. To top off this wonderful story Daryl and Lawson father Perry Mee got to meet up and share a meal together in Phuket recently. Perry said that Lawson regarded the find as pretty special and had framed the letter.

Daryl and Perry Mee, Lawson's Dad, in Phuket.
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