The wedding was just perfect. A great day had by all. We enjoyed the time with family. My sister Rachel and our niece Kimberley came over from Melbourne, so the whole family was together.
Then more -shopping, shopping, shopping for birthdays we’d missed or birthdays we were going to miss and of course Christmas.

Daryl made the unusual decision to go back to work. This happened for several reasons. Old clients wanted him to find them properties. We wanted to invest in some more property and being back in the game gave us a good feel for the market.
We still found plenty of time to catch up with friends and family. And time with our gorgeous great nephew, Cooper. Babies grow so quickly - I could not believe how much he developed in the time we were back. And on Daryl’s side of the family three other littlies growing up fast.
We rented an old classic ‘kiwi bach’ on the beach in Opotiki for a few days over Christmas.
We have lots of discussion and research towards Amanda and Matt’s upcoming wedding in February 2010. We have confirmed the venue and the dress so it’s underway and under control.
Time got extended and we didn’t return to Mooloolaba until the end of January.

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