We are anchored in a gorgeous Admiralty bay in Bequia in the Grenadines, but the wind is very gusty so we are staying on the boat in case the anchor moves (or someone else drags our way). While there we had a new zip put in our sail stack. The sail maker said it would take most of the day as a lot of his electrical tool were not working. This was because the electrician only comes to the island about every 3 months and had not come last time. So being the electrician that I am I spent the day repairing the tools and some of the outlets in the building. It was a fair exchange. In his gratitude he offered us whale meat as a gift. We thanked him but refused.

Before we left there we were lucky enough to witness a very rare sight. A huge leatherback turtle came up onto the beach during the day, laid her eggs and then returned to the sea. And we were there!!! They usually lay them at night.

We had a few nights, then, in the most idyllic bay we have ever seen. Salt Whistle Bay. Clear water, palm trees, white sands – the whole bit. We indulged in pure relaxation.

Further down in Carriacou we got a taxi and explored the island, including a bay where they are still making tradition boats by hand, using native timbers. The sailing versions, in particular, were very cute.
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