We had nearly a week in Antigua.
The wreck dives still get Daryl excited, one of which he did in Deep Bay. We anchored in Falmouth Harbour and I had a short walk through to English harbor to check in.
We found Antigua to have a lot of history which we enjoyed. Customs officials are found in the old buildings in English Harbour along with some very old yachts in pristine condition. We were there a few weeks before the big classic yacht regatta so we were treated to being amongst many beautiful classic yachts. In an old pub we met two couples from Hamilton. One of the ladies had been into Amanda’s work just days before. Isn’t it a small world!!
A highlight in Antigua was going to Shirley Heights at sunset to drink rum punches and listen to a world famous steel drum band. It was amazing.
Every Sunday night a Caribbean steel dru
m band plays music at the place called Shirley Heights at sunset. The band had 20 to 30 players and was an absolute delight to listen to. The views of English in Falmouth Harbour were also spectacular. Antigua race week was due to start in about two week’s time, unfortunately we will not be there to see
it. If we were going to get through the Panama Canal in
early May we had to keep moving.

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