Guess which one works indoors and has just arrived?
Amanda and Matt’s Time
Next to arrive, with a couple of days overlap, were Amanda and Matt. A few factors determined that the boat would stay in port for their visit. The first was that they were not staying as long as the others had. Plus it was getting pretty late in the season and the weather forecast wasn’t looking that good. Thirdly, our dear daughter Amanda is extremely motion sensitive and lastly my Mum’s health had taken a sudden downward spiral and was in hospital so I didn’t want to be too far from an airport.
After a busy year and Malaysia being totally new to them meant Amanda and Matt were very content to holiday in the local vicinity. It started in the traditional way with time at Sutera harbour. Not again you may say ..... but do we tire of this luxurious way of life....never....pina coladas on the boat, pina cladas at happy hour, discounted meals at the Yacht Club restaurant. The only thing suffering is our waistline!!!

Daryl with his two girls.............................................Amanda and Matt with pina coladas on the boat

Goodbye and welcome lunch..................................Happy hour, cheers
Another zoo trip was undertaken and as for me, just give me a camera and a zoo and I’m quite content, no matter how many times I’ve already been. And in fact I think the same now goes for Daryl!! The Chinese Sunday Market was also a hit, as much for the cultural experience as the shopping. I was impressed with the time the two tired jetlagged travellers could make it out the door to get there.

Morning markets..................................................Braver than me

Choices, choices......

Another favourite haunt, the fish restaurant........Matt choosing his fish

Sweet potato anyone?..........................................Meer cat

The elusive mousedeer

A casawori............................................Two bear cats having a tiff

Coloured rice picture, what patience!!

Two new activities they added to the Cool Bananas itinerary were a trip to the Shangri La Hotel to an orangutan sanctuary they have there and a river cruise on the Klias River, about an hour south of Kota Kinabalu. The evening river cruise lived up to its promise of many proboscis monkey sightings, a sumptuous meal and the lights of hundreds of fireflies after dark.

By the time Amanda and Matt's holiday was nearing an end I was also ready to wing my way back to NZ to see my Mum. But don't despair, Daryl has not been left high and dry. Dave and Anne who crewed for us last year are coming up for a few weeks. They will help/holiday with Daryl, getting the boat down to Miri, where we will leave her for a few months while we have Christmas in NZ.