“Gidday mate”from Mooloolaba
From Bundaberg we sailed to Mooloolaba where we are currently. The sail down was nice two day sail stopping for the night at a place called Gary’s anchorage, tucked in behind Fraser Island. Day two we needed to cross the notorious ‘wide bay bar’. As usual we set off to arrive at the bar at optimum time. We are advantaged to have Daryl’s lifetime experiences of crossing bars on the coast of NZ since he was ‘knee high to a grasshopper’. Regardless of all this, I was anxious and pleased when it was over. I understand there will be many more to come as we travel the Australian coast.
Coming into Moloolaba we witnessed a spectacular lightning storm over the land. Daryl watched anxiously to see what path it would take but luckily it didn’t come out in our direction. So we had a bit of a dramatic entry into Mooloolaba, finding somewhere to safely tie up before the storm passed over.

We think we are going to enjoy our time here. We can walk or dinghy to the marine stores or the local shops or restaurants. The surf beach is just across the road and it’s only a bus ride to the huge Sunshine Plaza.

Kevin and Erika on ‘Oz Magic’ had found us a private berth to leave the boat on while we fly back to NZ for our niece Shannon’s wedding and then Christmas with family.