We travelled on through the Keys and across 7 mile Bridge. The Florida Keys are an amazing place. Every time there is a hurricane warning the whole place is evacuated. I was amazed to see that on Deer Key we actually had a deer walk across the road in front of us. While most of the Keys were reasonably modern we found Key West was an old character town with a lot of history. I was very keen to see Mel Fisher's Museum. Mel Fisher was the man who found the wreck of the Atocha. The Atocha was a Spanish galleon that sank in hurricane off the Florida Keys. She was fully laden with gold and silver and other artefacts. Mel and his family searched for over 20 years before finding her. I would recommend you go to the Mel Fisher Museum and just see what they have to go through to find a glory wreck as magnificent as the Atocha.